Cataract Surgery Fees and Pricing (for Premium intraocular lenses (IOL))

Our goal is to bring transparent prices to our patients free of gimmicks and to make the process of getting cataract surgery and choosing a lens simplified. We believe consumers should receive world class care without wasting time and money and have information at their fingertips.


We take most major medical insurances including medicare, the list which can be found in our Patient Resources section. With this option, the cost of surgery is covered by insurance aside from any copayments or deductibles your insurance requires. If your doctor determines you are a candidate for the premium lenses listed below, the additional pricing is shown below:


1. Toric Lens – If you have astigmatism, this corrective lens will provide your sharpest vision at a single focal point, whether you decide that be distance, or near.

Cost – $1500


2. Presbyopia, Multifocal, Extended Depth of Focus Lenses – These lenses have built in them ways of splitting the light so you are able to get clear vision at multiple focal points such as distance, intermediate, and near vision. This can reduce your dependence on glasses and can also correct astigmatism

Examples of these lenses include:

– Panoptix by Alcon® – This is a trifocal lens intended to provide vision at distance, intermediate, and near

– Vivity by Alcon® – This is an extended depth of focus intraocular lens

– Tecnis® Symfony – This is an extended depth of focus intraocular lens 

– Tecnis® Odyssey – This is a continuous range of vision intraocular lens

Cost – $2000